“PreserveIt takes the initiative to inform the society of the deadly preservatives and why it’s a good time to get rid of ‘em”
Binge eating amidst the lockdown?
let’s be real. we’ve all taken utmost advantage of this period by overstocking on foods and munchies like instant noodles, chips, flavored yogurt packs, endlessly refilled popcorns bowls, wrappers and wrappers of chocolate bars and the list goes on. while it does help us cope with stress, it’s silently taking a toll on our digestive systems and hormone levels. take this quick quizvey (quiz + survey) to measure your regular intake and learn a little about organic, preservative-free foods that could be your favored alternatives in the future.
No more small talk.
Change starts from within. However impact, impact is created through unison. No more small talk on preservatives and how harmful they are, it’s time to take action. Sign this petition to show your concern and do your part for the future of our succeeding generations. There is no second alternative, and food cannot be compromised upon.